A Quarter of 2021 is Almost Over. The Collective Shadow Exposed For Those With Eyes to See. Part One: The Vatican, Child Abuse and the Stolen Election

So we are almost a quarter into 2021. Exposing the collective shadow of society is part of what my work is about, it’s detailed in some of the books I have written, and as well as blogs. Looking into the abyss isn’t for the faint of heart, and though I do so, I do so to face that darkness, collective and personal, and acknowledge its presence to bring it to the light where it can be healed. So, I can think of no better place to start when it comes to looking into the shadows than the Vatican. On January 8th, 2021 Nicole Winfield published an article in the Associated Press about 1.8 billion euros were transferred from the Vatican to Australia over six years. She reported:

Australia’s bishops have also expressed puzzlement and were seeking clarity. Australian Catholic Bishop’s Conference spokesman Gavin Abraham said the bishops had no knowledge of the transfers and that none of the money was received by dioceses, charities, or other Catholic entities.

Australian government’s financial intelligence agency, Austrac was investigating the data along with the Holy See, the government of the Catholic Church. The amounts being transferred to Australia annually for the six years exceeded the church’s budget of 300 million euros. Media speculated that the large amounts of money went to influence the criminal prosecution of Cardinal George Pell who was accused and acquitted of historic sexual abuse. Pell’s who had clashed with the Vatican’s old guard over financial reforms had to be sidelined in 2017 when he stood trial.

Meanwhile, in The Netherlands, a government commission discovered that some adoptions into the country from 1967 to 1998 from Indonesia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, and Sri Lanka were cases where children were taken from their parents and that some children were sold by their parents due to the extreme poverty they lived under. The commission discovered that the Dutch government knew about some of these adoptions as early as the 1960s. German broadcaster Deutsche Welle reported that some government officials took part in these abuses. Germany faced a scandal in 2020 when researchers at the University of Hildesheim published an expose of a network that brought homeless children into the custody of pedophile parents. Helmut Kentler, the head of the Pedagogical Centre in Berlin, advocated the program saying that adults having sex with children was “in some cases almost something like a gentler form of social work”.

In the United Kingdom, children have been under such stress due to the nature of being locked up at home, that there has been an explosion of tics according to Dr. Alasdair Parker, president of the British Paediatric Neurology Association. In twenty years in his profession, he has never seen as many children developing involuntary muscle movement and body jolts which can develop into Tourette’s syndrome. These are commonly known as ‘tics’. Some parents feel that their children have been sacrificed for the old. Showering the blame on those who have supposedly been protected by the draconian measures placed on society in the British Isles. The lack of social contact with other children is impairing the cognitive development of many children according to Dr. Parker and the added stress that they could infect older generations with a disease that could kill them, yet, leave them relatively unharmed has taken its toll on their mental health too.

Coming full circle to the Vatican and Rome, a video of Professor Alfio D’urso, a lawyer from the Italian Supreme Court stating that the former head of an IT company based in Rome has been accused of manipulating data in the US elections- in favour of Joe Biden on January 11th, 2021. This was ignored by mainstream media outlets worldwide, finding its way onto alternative media sites, but it did nothing to influence the result of the stolen US election of 2020. According to D’urso, the accused worked under the instruction of the US embassy in Rome, and that Vatican satellites were used in securing the result. Staying with the Vatican, Pope Francis issued a new law (before the scandal of financial transfers of wealth broke out between the Vatican and Australia) that brought the ownership of funds, bank accounts, and investments, including real estate, previously administered by the Secretariat of State from Jan. 1, 2021. The Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See will now oversee the Vatican Bank. That puts the financial machination of this bank directly under Pope Francis. A Pope who pushes UN Agenda 2030, the Great Reset, and mass vaccinations of the global populace. What could go wrong? 

Babylon moved west and here it landed.

https://apnews.com/article/sexual-abuse-by-clergy-australia-europe-crime-379a389d292d2e4279fc9ec81d348c96 Vatican transferring billions into Australia for six years, for what?

https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/02/13/netherlands-stops-international-adoptions-abuse-revelations/ This MUST be exposed on a global level.

https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/14043877/stressed-brit-kids-diagnosed-with-tics/ Another form of child abuse. Months of house arrest.

https://www.euroweeklynews.com/2021/01/11/breaking-viral-video-alleges-former-head-of-it-company-based-in-rome-charged-with-manipulation-of-us-elections/ Use your discernment. Stolen election 2020?

https://gizadeathstar.com/2021/01/pope-francis-seizes-vatican-bank/ Centralising the financial wealth of the one of the most sinister organisations on the planet.

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